As most of you know, in America today we are experiencing an unprecedented epidemic - obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke. Millions of people young and old are suffering while healthcare costs escalate.
The Good News...
The science shows we can mitigate or fully prevent 80% of all disease just by making just a few lifestyle changes — a healthier diet being most important among them. Good food promotes wellness, improves quality of life, improves productivity and lowers healthcare costs.
A Clear Consensus...
We struggle as a society with healthy eating and conflicting media reports don’t help. Fortunately our time tested culinary traditions supported by the latest nutrition science offer us a proven path forward.
As a cancer patient trying to save my own life, I discovered nutritious and delicious foods that best support optimal health and wellness. Now healthy and well, my mission is to share what I learned with those who seek wellness not only for themselves but also for the ones they love.
Empower Your People...
I’ve created an engaging 45- to 60-minute presentation, “What to Eat”. Perfect for lunch-and-learns, this seminar focuses on eating for optimal health and wellness. Each participant receives a free, step-by-step implementation guide plus a monthly newsletter.
All the information presented is peer-reviewed nutrition science. It’s all mainstream information but presented in a fresh and memorable way. As a result, audiences engage, feel empowered and get motivated to make positive changes in their lives.
The Presentation...
Introduction: My personal story and path back to health and wellness
A quick history of food: Where we've been and what we learned
The consensus: wise culinary traditions plus the latest nutrition science
The way forward: Identifying and enjoying full-flavor, high nutrition foods
Resources: Implementing a step-by-step, personal wellness plan
It’s All Free...
My talk, the companion website and step-by-step implementation guide are, for a limited time, all 100% free. There’s no catch — I’m a grateful man on a personal mission to inspire and inform those who seek wellness.
Contact Me...
To schedule a 45-60 min seminar or a one on one meeting to learn more, just email or call 636.207.8000 and we’ll connect.
Here’s to your good health!
Greg Kiger