Here’s a few tips to help you stay well this winter…

Increase calories - That's right, cutting calories / “dieting” is a medically proven way people reduce their immunity vs what's “going around”. Calories are often reduced intentionally or accidentally due to busy schedules / stress - either way, lower calories are not helpful for best immunity.  

Avoid sugar and processed carbs - As always, you only have so much room on your plate, but especially if you are fighting something off this is an important time to focus on eating the most nutrient dense foods. 

Double up on Vit D. You are taking daily vit D already, yes? Gotta get that D. get outside too, 20 min sunshine on the skin is best vit D source. 

Vit C - sure it's good, but like always skip the orange juice - eat citrus fruit instead. 

Zinc lozenges - Zicam or similar. Helps a sore throat / acts as a prevent defense. 

Comfort nutrition! - Homemade chicken veggie soup

  • In a saucepan, olive or coconut oil, med low heat, add these…

  • Chopped purple cabbage

  • Red onions

  • Garlic, as much as you can handle

  • Shiitake / maitake mushrooms - chop and add

  • Beet greens - buy a bunch of beets, with greens attached. Wash and chop beet greens - add wet greens to pan, cover to steam / cook them. Save actual beets for another day. 

  • Red pepper, broccoli, etc - whatever other veggies sounds good

  • Optional - some cooked brown rice / faro

  • Protein - chicken, beef, lamb, sausage - whatever you have already cooked up

  • Epic brand bone broth - any flavor, simmer for 10 minutes until everything is tender

Journal a few pages - proven stress busting process. 

  • Give the positive cheerleader part of yourself the day off. 

  • Break out a pad of paper and a pen - not digital. 

  • Write out any and everything that's bothering you these days, 3 pages min

  • Draw a sketch or two as well. 

  • Maybe assign stressful items an order - biggest to smallest bothers. 

  • Notice that some things may be transitory, rare, very short term, while others more nagging, deeper, longer term. 

  • Stress and immunity aren't compatible - stress changes circulating hormone levels, etc so addressing chronic stressors is super important and worthy of your time and attention. 

  • Consider adding a counselor to your existing success team of doctor / nutrition coach / personal trainer / etc already in place. You are worth a team of pros that help keep you on track and in good health. You deserve to be fully supported.

Avoid Antibiotics

  • They are ineffective at fighting viral infections / most colds

  • They are a nuclear option wiping out so much of your best gut microbiome

  • Stick with the above and over the counter symptom relievers if at all possible

  • Use getting this cold to motivate your goal of dramatically improving your diet, reducing your stressors and improving your overall health.

Lastly, stay hydrated, winter with HVAC running really drys out the air, extra water helps your body stay healthy and balanced. Until next time, stay well and enjoy life.